Monday, December 19, 2016

Photo Sandwich

Today, I finally tried how to "sandwich", or layer two separate photos 
in order to create a new one. 
Everyone who has a photoshop program 
knows how to do that, I guess.

I merely have have access to "Gimp".
It seemed a little complicated in the beginning,
but after a while I "got the hang" of it.
Not perfect but
it was fun and I am happy with the result.

First I selected this photo as the background.
The "Hunter's Moon"
Then I added a different one to layer onto the first.
This one.
 I had to figure out how to make this second one transparent. 
That was the challenge!
In the end I got this.
The moon is still showing through the bird, 
but certainly better than 
the moon in-front of the bird. 
That really would have been odd!

I say: this is my personal touch!
Canada geese in front of the Hunters Moon.

Like it!

Auntie's translation

Heute habe ich ein bisschen auf dem Rechner herumgespielt und aus zwei Photos ein Neues gebastelt. 
Es hat eine Weile gedauert bis ich herausgefunden hatte wie man das Zweite teilweise durchsichtig macht, 
aber ich habe es geschafft.
Fliegende Kanadagänse for dem Vollmond.


  1. Very well done. I have never used that kind of program before but it would be interesting.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.


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