Tuesday, October 29, 2019

After Season Freedom

Despite some early fall storms the weather had been delightful 
and warm for the most of the days this October.
Pink Fall Aster/Chrysanthemum Hybrid
We took advantage of the "after season" free time 
and went on several nice hikes, visiting our favourite trails. 
Trail over mossy ground
One leads to Sunsweep Scupture, an about 1, 5 hour hike.
View of Ragged Point
Along the path we saw Double-crested Cormorants 
Double-crested Cormorants
and we took a few moments to admire the view.
Dixie and Peter
We were not the only ones taking
photos of the sculpture.
Sunsweep Sculpture
Looking back towards the point where our car is waiting for us.
View of Liberty Point in the distance


On another day we saw Harbour Seals and Grey Seals 
Harbour Seal
sunning themselves on ledges that are just below the water's surface near
Racoon Beach
Grey Seals
Always an interesting photo object.
Harbour Seal
The woods were still colourfu these days
and a little Song Sparrow was watching us as
we walked by.

Soon, Halloween will be upon us, but there will be no "trick and treat".
Source: stockfresh.com
Another storm with high winds and lots of rain is predicted 
for the last day of October. 

Der Oktober war trotz ein paar frühen Herbststürmen relativ warm.
Wir benutzten die wiedergewonnene Freiheit und besuchten 
einige unserer Lieblingswanderwege.
Einer führt hinaus zum "Ragget Point" (ca 1,5 Std hin und zurück).
Auf Felsen entlang der Küste beobachteten wir ein paar Ohrenscharben (Kormorane) .
Von einer Bank genossen wir die Aussicht und am Ziel angekommen 
machten die obligatorischen Photos von der Sculptur.

Ein anderes Mal sahen wir Hundsrobben und Kegelrobben die sich,
auf dicht unter der Wasseroberfläche liegenden Felsen, sonnten.

Noch waren die Wälder belaubt und bunt. 
Eine Singammer beobachtete uns im Vorbeigehen.

In wenigen Tagen ist Halloween.

Doch ist für den letzten Tag im Oktober leider ein weiterer
Herbststurm mit viel Wind und Regen angekündigt. 

Friday, October 11, 2019

Here I am again!

Long time  - No see!
That is quite true.
And it has several reasons. First, I have been incredibly busy, 
second, we changed our access to the internet and third, time flew by just too fast.
But I did some walks and took a lot of photos.

Here are some of the highlights I captured over the last four month: 

Dixie testing the water at Lake Glensevern
Campobello International Bridge shrouded in fog
View of Lubec, Maine
White-tailed Deer in my backyard
Monarch Butterfly
Grey Seal very close to shore watching us
"American Eagle" visiting Campobello Island
Cable Trawler bringing a new power cable to the island
Lots of visitor all summer long, Peter was quite busy
Finally fall with its beautiful colours has arrived
Quiet trails again after most of the summer visitors left the area.
October is the time of beautiful sunsets
I hope you enjoyed my selection of photos. Winter will soon be here and with that
there will be more time to do some posting. 
See you then!


Der Sommer war zu hektisch und es gab keine Zeit zum bloggen. 
Hier ein paar Photos die ich über die letzten Monate photographiert habe.
Der Herbst hat angefangen, die Besucherzahlen sind drastisch gesunken und ich
werde nun wieder mehr Zeit haben. 
Hoffentlich haben euch meine Bilder gefallen.
Bis demnächst!