We are slipping into the routine again. Walking in the morning and afternoon.
Regularly visit to the dump station and shopping tours to Yuma, AZ.
If you wonder why Yuma, which is about 37 miles (59 km) away, this is easy to explain. Everything is cheaper in Arizona. Example: the gas prices. Regular gas in California is about $4.52/gal and the same amount in Arizona is $3.19. So when we need to fill our tank we drive to Yuma and combine this trip with a visit to Walmart and the Laundromat.
Today was shopping/laundry day again.
On the way I took some photos, always the same. The big Imperial Sand Dunes,
Imperial Sand Dunes and All American Canal |
that attracts a lot of people form San Diego on all long weekends.
Motorhomes and toy haulers They love to show off their skills with their buggies in the sand. |
a sandbuggy speeding up the dunes |
The streets in Yuma were rather empty today, it was a long weekend: Veterans Day.
First 45 min at the Laundromat. They had renovated the place and it looked totally different.
inside Jo-Anne's Laundromat |
Where last year there were a row of old white top loaders they had installed shiny new front loaders.
The prices had gone up a little too and the washing time down. There has been severe drought down here in the South and water conservation inevitable and expensive.
Then a visit to the gas station and after that grocery shopping.
JP checking out the beer and wine variety |
Most of the people seemed to be at Walmart.
lots of fresh produce |
There was definitely no sign of a recession. The place was packed.
many were out shopping today
We were home again for lunch. |
While crossing the irrigation canal
Irrigation canal near Hotsprings LTVA |
I realized the vast solar field in the background.
background: a field of solar panels |
Some people told us last year already that our winter spot in the desert most likely will
vanish in the future to accommodate more photovoltaic fields.
Coffee time with German Stollen from Aldi |
That would be a shame. But change is inevitable, it would not surprise me.
Life is good.
German translation
Wir sind wieder in unserer Routine. Morgens und nachmittags spazieren, regelmäßig die Sani-station besuchen um die Tanks zu entleeren und Wasser aufzufüllen oder die Einkaufsfahrten nach Yuma in Arizona. Es sind ca 60 km dorthin aber da die Preise dort viel günstiger sind fahren wir jedesmal hin wenn wir sowieso tanken müssen. Dann gehen wir gleichzeitig Waschen und Einkaufen. Heute waren die Straßen ziemlich leer, aber bei Walmart war der Bär los. Es sieht dort jedenfalls nicht nach Rezession aus. Zum Mittag waren wir dann wieder zurück auf unserem Platz. Während wir den Bewässerungskanal überquerten konnte man in der Ferne die Photovoltaic Felder sehen die sie in den letzten 3 Jahren installiert haben. Einige Leute haben uns auch schon gewarnt daß der Campingplatz in der Wüste in den nächsten Jahren verschwinden wird und dem Solarzellen zum Opfer fallen werden. Das wäre schade, aber wundern würde es mich nicht. Den Fortschritt kann man nicht aufhalten. Wir haben jedenfalls die Zeit hier sehr genossen.