Thursday, January 12, 2017

Scallop Season

Today, scallop season of 2017 started. 
From our living room window I could observe 
 lots of small and bigger vessels out on the water.
 Sea fog swirling around, flurries were in the air. 
 Later, the sun came out for a short period of time.
 Hour and hours they went up and down dredging for scallops. 

A pretty sight, but don't ask me about
how the bottom of the bay looks like after they are all done.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Flu time - also for birds

It is this time of the year when the flu seems to be everywhere. 
Also in my bird community. 
That is so sad.
Today, there was high activity at the feeders. 
 We are expecting bad weather for Sunday and Monday.
It is predicted to get cold, snowy and high winds with a wind chill
down to -29C (-20F).
It seemed as if the birds were eager, filling up their "batteries."
I saw mostly finches and chickadees.
The temperature had dropped to -10C (14F).
No wind, yet.
One of the little finches was bullied by the others. 
Several times the other birds 
chased him away from the feeder. 

Taking a closer look you could see -
there was something wrong with this little fellow.
The other birds were looking sleek, compared.
It looked more like a feather ball, double it's size. 
My guess was that it has "the flu" and was feaverish. 
Therefor, the feathers are raised, it was freezing. Poor thing. 
With a winter storm approaching there is no chance of survival for this one. 
The sun has set, it is getting dark, all birds have left, 
except this little sick guy.
Not all will make it through the winter.
Nature is cruel.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Adding a new Page

The new year brought a new page to my blog. 
"Pictures - just for the fun of it." >>>

I decided to post my photoshoppings 
and online paintings on a separate page.

The newest will always posted on the top of the list.
If you are interested to see what I come up with, 
just check on the upper page on the right hand side. >>>
"Pictures - just for the fun of it."

View over the Fundy Bay on a stormy day.


Auntie's translantion

Für das neue Jahr habe ich mir was Neues ausgedacht und habe mir 
eine extra Seite eingerichtet. 
Sie heißt "Pictures - just for fun" 
und man findet sie rechts >>>
Wenn man da drauf klickt kann man sich ansehen was 
ich so alles gebastelt habe.
Entweder photos die verändert wurden, 
oder "Malereien" die auf dem Rechner
entstanden sind.
Das Neueste steht immer an erster Stelle.

Mein photo heute:
Blick über die Fundy Bay.