Saturday, December 31, 2016

Good Luck for 2017!

Many days during the year we have these big black birds visiting 
our property.
In the history of the Native Americans 
seeing a crow or raven (their bigger brother) 
is considered to bring luck.
 I thought this fits the occasion.
With the new year just around the corner...
 I want to wish all the luck there is 
on to my faithful readers!
May the new year 2017 be a prosperous one 
filled with lots of adventure
and many happy days!
Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Hawk Drama

A hawk, a drama.

(Sorry, befittingly it was a grey, rainy day)

This afternoon there was a killing 
right in under of our bird feeder.
Recently a flock of 5 - 15 
mourning doves started to visit us every day.
They use to spread out over the lawn 
feeding on what the chickadees, finches ...
.... and nuthatches discard from the feeder.
Beware the predators!

Today, about 100 m (about 100 yards) away 
on top of a tall spruce tree, 
I saw a hawk perching, surveying the area.
Obviously, he was evaluating the situation 
and weighing his chances.

A few minutes later it happened. 
A frenetic flutter of birds outside

and when I looked through the window - 
there he was, right on the lawn. 
 The drama was a fact.
Life is brutal. It is all about survival. 

Auntie's translation

Heute hat ein Bussard eine Taube geschlagen, direkt 
unter dem Futterhäuschen.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Are you curious?

This is definitely the proof of how easy it is to produce fake news 
or fake news photos. 
Even a mere "grandma" like me can do it!

Our lighthouse (official: "Head Harbour Lightstation", but also know as "Eastquoddy" Lighthouse in the US ) 
is normally located at the north east end of our island. 
Seen from the boat on a lovely summer day.
Herring Cove is one wide, sweeping half-moon shaped bay. 
This is taken at the northern end of the bay. 

Then there suddenly was the mirage of lighthouse in the waters....

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Another Fiction

My newest creation! 
Hunter's Moon and Mulholland Lightstation 
melt together to new, fictional picture. 
So much fun to be creative again!

Monday, December 19, 2016

Photo Sandwich

Today, I finally tried how to "sandwich", or layer two separate photos 
in order to create a new one. 
Everyone who has a photoshop program 
knows how to do that, I guess.

I merely have have access to "Gimp".
It seemed a little complicated in the beginning,
but after a while I "got the hang" of it.
Not perfect but
it was fun and I am happy with the result.

First I selected this photo as the background.
The "Hunter's Moon"
Then I added a different one to layer onto the first.
This one.
 I had to figure out how to make this second one transparent. 
That was the challenge!
In the end I got this.
The moon is still showing through the bird, 
but certainly better than 
the moon in-front of the bird. 
That really would have been odd!

I say: this is my personal touch!
Canada geese in front of the Hunters Moon.

Like it!

Auntie's translation

Heute habe ich ein bisschen auf dem Rechner herumgespielt und aus zwei Photos ein Neues gebastelt. 
Es hat eine Weile gedauert bis ich herausgefunden hatte wie man das Zweite teilweise durchsichtig macht, 
aber ich habe es geschafft.
Fliegende Kanadagänse for dem Vollmond.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Hungry Birds

While wind gusts are swirling the snow around the house wild birds are gathering outside in search for their breakfast. 
Usually I feed the doves (mourning doves) on the lawn 
but today I had to sprinkle some food onto the deck 
because the snow is covering everything within minutes.
Blue Jays and a lone finch are able to get to the seeds in the feeders.
A day to appreciate sitting inside a cosy warm house.


Auntie's translation

Während der Schnee um´s Haus wirbelt sammeln sich die Vögel im Apfelbaum und warten auf ihr Frühstück. Normalerweise fütter ich sie auf dem Rasen, doch heute muß ich die Körner auf die Terrasse streuen sonst verschwinden sie zu schnell unter dem Neuschnee.
Der Blue Jay und ein einsamer Finck holen sich die Sonnenblumenkerne aus dem Futterautomat.
Ein Tag an dem man sein gemütlich, warmes Haus besonders schätzt.