This morning I had a nice walk across the nearby campground.
I was all by myself. So peaceful.
Soon they will open for the season and this opportunity will be gone until Fall.
I was giving Dixie her walk and watching birds at the same time.
Because of the chill in the air the birds were not very active.
Just a few Yellow-rumped Warblers were chasing bugs in the air.
Back at home I decided to do some work in my garden,
because it seemed to not getting anywhere.
It also grew in size and I will now be able to grow potatoes in the back.
I finally got the fence around and the rose arbor up.
(by the way: this is not our house, no-one is living there)
And I added another small bed, for my perennial herbs
Then I planned my square-foot garden bed.
I started this way of gardening several years ago and I like it.
Growing something different in each square.
At the end of the day I got the first seeds into the ground.
Hopefully there will be some green to show in a few weeks from now.
And -
not to forget - the hummingbirds are back!
The first male one arrived on May 5th at my feeder and
a few days later I saw the first female.
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Summer is near, even if the temperatures are still on the cool side.
On the other side: there are no nasty black flies around yet!
Nach einem entspannenden Spaziergang quer über den nahegelegenen Campingplatz habe ich mich endlich an meinen neu geplanten Garten gemacht. Er ist etwas größer ausgefallen als ursprünglich gedacht, aber nun kann ich noch Kartoffel anbauen.
Der Zaun ist endlich aufgestellt und auch der Rosenbogen. Ein Beet für die Kräuter ist auch dazu gekommen. Am Ende des Nachmittags habe ich dann endlich die ersten Samen in die Erde gelegt.
In ein paar Wochen wird es hoffentlich etwas grüner aussehen.
Die ersten Kolibris sind auch schon angekommen.
Es wird langsam Sommer. Die kalten Tage haben allerdings einen Vorteil:
Man wird noch nicht von Mücken und Fliegen geplagt!
Photos: Kronwaldsänger, Kolibri
Photos: Kronwaldsänger, Kolibri