Saturday, February 10, 2024

Holtville Carrot Festival Parade

 And again, as every year, Holtville was celebrating its name as "Carrot Town of the World". There was Tivoli, street vendors all week long and of course - The Carrot Parade!

We thought that last year was cold, but this year it was coldest day ever that we had watching the parade. The sun hid behind clouds and the wind was strong from northerly directions. 

Decendants from the first Swiss farmers that settled in this area. 

Newest equipement

Old fashioned horse carriage

modern hay-baling equipment

But it had been fun as always to watch all those enthusiastic school corps, children and farmers with their bands and floats.

Memory from Feb 2023

Unfortunately our old friend "Enrique" was not participating anymore. 
Old age is catching up with all of us. 
We missed you, Enrique!!!

After 1.5 hours in 15 C 10 C with the windchill) we were cold to the core and rushed back to our trailer. 

After a big cup of hot cocoa I finally felt warm again.

Translation for my German readers

 Wie in jedem Jahr haben wir auch dieses Mal als Zuschauer an der Karottenparade teilgenommen.
Holtville sagt von sich daß es die "Karottenstadt der Welt ist" und in jedem Jahr gibt es Jahrmarkt, Buden und die große Parade. 
Allerdings war es heute war es unangenehm kühl! Nach 1,5 Stunden waren wir dann auch ziemlich durchgefroren. Aber war ,wie immer, Spaß es sich anzusehen.

Eine grosse Tasse Kakao mit Rum konnte mich wieder aufwärmen.

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