Sunday, February 1, 2015

Coyote and Hare

The cold is back for a while and the morning was pretty frosty. 
But I carried the camera, just in case.
The plumes were more visible in the frigid air. 
Nobody would want 
to linger on the bench today.

I coyote took me by surprise 
as it crossed the path in a flash of about 4 seconds. 
No chance to get a shot at him.
I had to "borrow" this from the net to show how it looked like.
Molly was all alert, but I kept her safe on the leash!

When we returned home the Snowshoe Hare 
was sitting on the front lawn. 

I had not seen the animal for quite a while, 
only some tracks in the fresh fallen snow. 
When it saw Molly and me it took off through the shrubs 
and around the house. 

Taking a chance I quietly went inside 
and switched lenses on my camera. 

He would be long gone 
by the time I came back out, I thought.  

 Camera ready, I carefully peeked 
around the corner of the house.

There he was still sitting. 
Do you see it?
Having a "conversation" 
with one of the garden ornaments.
He was not too shy either,
I even could get a photo of his long hind legs.
Last not least, he posed for me.
Thank you! Click.

Aunt Inge's Summary

Hätte ich doch fast vergessen!
Heute morgen war es ziemlich kalt, aber man muss ja mit dem Hund raus. Ein Kojote raste über den Weg, doch er war zu schnell für mich.
Deshalb musste ich ein Photo vom "net" borgen. Wieder beim Haus sass doch der Hase wieder da. Schnell rein, Kameralinse tauschen und hoffen das er noch da sitzt. Sass er. Er "unterhielt" sich mit einem Gartenornament. Zeigte seinen grossen Hinterläufe und setzte sich richtig in Pose! Danke! Klick.


  1. What a beautiful morning for a walk - and such scenery! I love the last photo of the rabbit. Very pretty! :)

  2. Great wildlife pictures especially when they don't feel threatened and pose for you. You lucked out on the action shot of the Coyote. Keep up the good work!
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.


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