Monday, March 24, 2025

Indiana - I 70

This will be the shortest posting. 

Driving on Interstate 70 through Indiana was the worst! 

I thought our motorhome would fall apart any time. 

Such bad roads we have rarely encountered, except for Shreveport LA.

at least 4 inches deep (10cm)  and  8 inches wide (20 cm) 

We said never again will we drive this route ever!

holes and deep trenches to bump into

rattling loose all screws on these lousy roads

endless damage on the right side of the road 

As soon as we crossed into the state of Ohio - 

no potholes and a smooth ride for the most of the state.

Entering Ohio

Exactly HERE starts Ohio's Interstate 70

Look! This is what a quality road should look like!!!
Why is it so different from state to state? 

Loosing it!

Source: Josh Murto

German Translation

Heute nur ganz kurt. 
Unsere Fahrt durch Indiana war schauderhaft. Die Interstate 70 war in einem furchtbaren
Zustand. So viele Schlaglöcher, tiefe Rillen und Unebenheiten daß wir 
fürchteten unser Wohnmobil würde auseinander brechen.
Wir haben uns geschworen diese Strecke nie wieder zu fahren.
Es war eine Zumutung und nervlich sehr anstrengend.
Wie es von Staat zu Staat so unterschiedlich sein kann-
Sobald wir nach Ohio rein fuhren war der Straßenbelag 
einwandfrei. So sollte es überall sein.


  1. Every time the Democrats get in, the fix the roads. When the Republicans get in, they fix their wallets.
    Stay Safe and Enjoy your adventure.

    It's about time.

  2. Thanks for keeping us up to date -safe travels home.FYI your husband's blog Canadian Traveller is coming up with an advisory that it is not Secure.All the best.


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