After sunrise the temperatures were down to -7 C (19.4 F) and I had to bundle up before my morning walk with Dixie.It was a short one only and we both were grateful to be back into the warmth of the motorhome.
After breakfast we started on our next leg towards the East driving for hours over the mesa. 
Cholla Power Plant
Cholla Power Plant near Joseph City, AZ is a 1.02-gigawatt coal power plant. The plant began Operation in 1962 and closed in 2009 after the coal reserves of the McKinley Mine east ofWindow Rock AZ were depleted. (Source: Wikipedia)

Indian City Sales location
Many times we drove by Native American Sales stations where one can buy jewelries, T-shirt, blankets and much more.
Sometimes one gets scared for a second when a truck is towed backwards.It looks like they are driving right at us.The weather was cooperative with nearly no wind until early afternoon, then gradually strengtheningup to 29kmh (18mph) pushing us along from West.
driving for hours over the mesa.
Cholla Power Plant |
Cholla Power Plant near Joseph City, AZ is a 1.02-gigawatt coal power plant. The plant began
Operation in 1962 and closed in 2009 after the coal reserves of the McKinley Mine east of
Window Rock AZ were depleted. (Source: Wikipedia)
Indian City Sales location |
Many times we drove by Native American Sales stations where one can buy jewelries, T-shirt,
blankets and much more.
Sometimes one gets scared for a second when a truck is towed backwards.
It looks like they are driving right at us.
The weather was cooperative with nearly no wind until early afternoon, then gradually strengtheningup to 29kmh (18mph) pushing us along from West.
East of Grants, NM the interstate $0 passes through the north end of the El Malpais lava fields.
The youngest are only around 3900 years old. (Source: New Mexico Museum of Natural History)
Our plan was to stay overnight at Santa Rosa State Park but when we saw this
Rest area along the I-40 we pulled in here and decided to call it a day.
Internet connection is low, but after 6 hours diving and 380 miles
who cares.
German translation
Die Nacht war doch ziemlich kalt. Am Morgen waren es nur noch -7 Grad.
Da mußte ich mich warm anziehen um mit Dixie Gassie zu gehen.
Nach dem Frühstück ging es gleich wieder los. Der Wind war schwach bis mässig und
am späten Nachmittag fanden wir einen Rastplatz kurz vor Santa Rosa, NM (Neu Mexiko).
Hier werden wir die nächste Nacht verbringen.
Interessantes entlang der Interstate: Das niedergelegte Cholla Kohlekraftwerk,
Indianische Verkausläden und ein riesiges Magmarfeld.
Ein abgeschleppter Lastzug sah aus wie ein Geisterfahrer. ;)
Ansonsten: viel Aussicht und eine endlos gerade Straße.
6 Stdn- 611km, das reicht.
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