Thursday, March 20, 2025

Quartzsite to Winslow AZ

After a day in Quarztsite, AZ the strong wind had died down to a manageable strength and 
we decided to make a run for Holbrook NM. 
Roadwork stopped all traffic for quite a time

We started at 8am ( 8:00 ) and promptly had to wait nearly 45 minutes
at a construction area north of Quartzsite AZ. 

What a start!

But the rest went "relatively" smooth. ;)

I-95 North of Quartzsite AZ

Along the road near Parker, AZ we saw the first spring green trees!

landscape around Parker, AZ

view of a Colorado River campground near Parker AZ

We passed through a very busy Lake Havasu City, AZ ...

driving into Lake Havasu City, AZ

... and had a brief stop in Kingman to stock up on groceries. 

The landscape changed a lot. From desert to lake to rocks to forest.

Higher and higher we climbed.
West of Flagstaff, on 5000 feet (1580 m) 
there was snow on the ground among the pine tree forrest. 

Remnants of a recent spring snowstorm

snow patches along the road

Agassiz Peak (12.300 feet (3767 m))

East of Flagstaff. A high plateau, a wide open mesa.
Flat topped Mesa around Holbrook, AZ

sunset at "Meteor Crater" rest area along I-40 

After 6 hours and 337 miles (542 km) we found a spacious spot for the night 
on a rest area along the I-40. It will be our first cold night after many month in the warm desert. 
The temperatures here on 5000 feet (1524 m) are predicted to drop down to 23 F (-5 C). 
Brrr. We will need an extra duvet!
Luckily we topped up our propane and the furnace keeps us warm and toasty.

We will not visit the crater again, we did that on Oct 29. 2024
Dixie, close to Peter, where it is safest

German translation

Nach einer Zwangspause in Quartzsite, Arizona fuhren wir heute sehr früh los - 
nur um gleich in einer Baustelle stehenzubleiben. Es hat uns sage und schreibe eine 
Dreiviertelstunde gekostet! 
Danach ging es aber ganz flott, abgesehen von den Schlaglöchern.
Vorbei am Fluß Colorado durch Parker und der Stadt Lake Havasu bis hin nach 
Kingman. Dort haben wir schnell noch den Kühlschrank wieder aufgefüllt.
Immer höher ging es. Bei Flagstaff, auf etwa 1500 m, lagen noch Reste vom 
letzten Schneesturm der hier vor 5 Tagen durchgezogen war.
Danach öffnete sich die Landschaft und wir erreichten das Hochplateau. 
Hier werden wir auf einem Rastplatz die Nacht verbringen.
Es wird recht frisch werden. -5C sind angekündigt.
Da braucht man wieder eine extra dicke Decke.
Morgen geht es weiter, so lange wie es windstill bleibt.

1 comment:

  1. Dixie finally looks more relaxed traveling in the Motorhome.
    When your title said Winslow Arizona, I was going to remind you of the rock band The Eagles song about taking it Easy.
    Cold temperatures are the problem with the Northern Route across the US. Better than the Tornadoes taking the Southern Route.
    Stay Safe and Enjoy the adventure.

    It's about time.


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