Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Grey Days, Sunny Days

November, already a thing of the past. 
Its last days were rather on the chilly side, 
down to 15°F (-10°C), 
grey and windy. 
There was no way that I was going to stay outside 
for a prolonged time. 

One of the favourite things we did, when staying in the desert of California,
 was getting together and do a puzzle. 
No desert here, no friends either, that is too bad. 

On the good side: I had a puzzle at hand.
This time it was a 500 piece "Still-life" of flowers and fruit.
The sun had already faded the picture on the container. 
Red had turned to purple, yellow to white and green to a bluish tint.  
It took me two afternoons in deep concentration 
to get it done. There!
Maybe my brain is still working as it should. 
That is good. 
Because, sometimes I am in doubt about it. 
Things seem so easily forgotten 
in a mere moment.
Today, on the first day of December,
the temperatures were on the rise again, 
the sun was out.  
On the windowsill 
another project looks promising.
It was in August when I took cuttings of various petunias. 
Some of them made it until now. 
Pretty flowers. 
Memories of bygone summer days.


Aunties summary

Die letzten Novembertage waren schon ziemlich kalt. Da mochte man nicht aus dem Haus gehen. Aber ich hatte ja ein Puzzle. Ein Stilleben mit Blumen und Obst. Obwohl die Farben auf der Vorlage von der Sonne verblichen waren habe ich es in zwei Nachmittagen geschafft. 
Heute schien die Sonne wieder und auf meiner Fensterbank stehen ein meine Petuniensteckling mit rosa Blüten. 
Erinnerungen an vergangene Sommertage.

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