Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Yesterday, after the storm had passed the sun was shining brilliantly but everything was now covered with about 5 cm (2") of ice.  

With lots of work we finally pried one car door open and eventually made it out the driveway too. 

The main roads were sanded and salted well so we proceeded down to the beach.

Because of the icy temperatures -14C (6.8F) and the big chance to slip and fall, I didn't dare to bring my camera, just my old cellphone. 

Therefor the smaller size of the photos.

The storm had removed a big chunk sandbank. Lots of ice buildup on the parking lot. The beach was partly frozen sand and wind too icy.

The frozen pattern on the ground shows how far the big waves reached,  right into the path. We decided to take the path through the woods instead. 

 Here the walking was easier, the frozen snow gave better traction and the wind didn't bother us too much in between the trees.

In the bright sunshine it was downright beautiful.

Lots of small tracks on the ground showed how much alive the forest is.
Hare, rabbit and squirrel are busy moving around.

Dixie loved the outing after two days cooped up in the house. I am glad we took the opportunity because for today

 there is more rain in the forecast!


Gestern war es wieder sonnig und wir entschieden uns einenSpaziergang zu unternehmen.
Erst aber mussten wir in unser Auto einbrechen. 
Die Türen waren alle festgefroren.
Nach einigem Hin und Her waren wir endlich auf dem Weg. 
Die Strassen waren gut gestreut, aber der Parkplatz am Strand war total vereist. 
Da der Wind zu eisig war entschieden wir uns für den Waldweg. 
Am Strand konnte man sehen wie weit die Wellen in den Pfad reichten.
Im Wald war das Gehen auf dem gefrorenen Schnee wesentlich leichter.
Unser Hund genoss die Freiheit auch, sie hat so viel Energie die 
sie erst einmal wieder abrasen musste.
Ich bin froh dass wir uns zum spazierengehen aufgerafft hatten den heute ist es wieder
grau und es soll noch mehr Regen geben!


  1. It is amazing how Nature cleans things up for us.
    Glad you made it Safely through the storm.

    It's about time.

  2. It was not the end. The day after it rained onto the ice and everything was glazed for 24 hours. Then high temperatures and a day of more pouring rain washed the ice pretty much away.


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