Saturday, January 5, 2019

First week of 2019

The first days of the new year brought some rain and a light dusting of snow. 
The grey, blue and white makes it so peaceful.
I know, a better photographer would have removed the blue recycling bin. 
Maybe next time. ;)

Today we were out again on another birding trip around the island,
saddled with binoculars and telescopes,
trying to figure out what types of birds stay around at this time of the year.
While the others were busy counting the feathered crowd
there was time to get some photos of the area too.
The "Friar" rock formation (above)
and the pillars of a winterized dock 
as well some Downy Birch trees made some good objects.
Lubec ME, on a calm winter day, seen from Campobello Island.

Some ponds containing more freshwater were partially frozen.
We found the "regulars", birds that stay around during the winter.
 But we also were lucky, together with a pair of
 Common Goldeneyes (left and center) 
we observed a rare
male Barrow's Goldeneye (right).
(Not the ideal photo, taken with a 200mm lens and cropped,
 but it will have to do to document it.)
Roosevelt Campobello Island Park area.


Die ersten Tage im neuen Jahr brachten uns Regen und Schnee. Heute haben wir 
wieder eine Runde um die Insel gemacht um zu sehen wer von den
gefiederten Gästen anwesend war.
Während meine Freunde die Vogelschar zählten habe ich schnell 
noch ein paar Landschaftsaufnahmen gemacht.

Der Fels "Friar",die Pfähle des Bootsstegs, ein paar Birken sowie eine Aussicht 
in Richtung Lubec und über die kleineren Inseln.

Wir hatte Glück, auf einem halb vereisten Brackwasser, zusammen mit 
einem Paar Schellenten (Common Goldeneye (Bucephala clangula), 
fanden wir eine seltene Spatelente (Barrow's goldeneye (Bucephala islandica).

1 comment:

  1. Such wonderful pictures of the winter scenery , thanks for sharing.


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