Saturday, November 26, 2022

Following Familiar Land Marks

 One more full day of travel on our way west. 

The sky was deep blue, the temperature mild, nearly any wind.

Ideal travel conditions.

Following so many familiar landmarks along the route. 

Texas Canyon Park, AZ

Mountain Peaks

Dos Cabezas (Two Heads) Chochise County, AZ 

House on the hill between Benson and Tuscon, AZ

Picacho Peak, AZ, near Tuscon AZ

Near the point where the I-8 starts towards San Diego, CA
Picacho Peak
... special vegetation 
Prickly Pear Cactus along the road

Saguaro Cacti, Sonoran desert, AZ
Water Tanks, Yuma, AZ

.... lots of green fields around Yuma, AZ
Workers in vegetable field near Yuma, AZ

Imperial Sand Dunes National Recreation Area, California 
near Yuma, AZ
Sand Dunes 
Visitors on their sand buggies and dirt bikes enjoying Thanksgiving weekend

Several hundred thousand rigs are camped out near the dunes.

The last miles towards this communication tower, accompanied 

with the sight of this geothermal plant 

was a sure sign that we are close to our destination.

The friendly host recognized us immediately 

and we were told that "your spot is still available, go for it!"

We did.

Driving along the gravel road we recognized that 

many friends were staying here as well. 

Peter unhooking our trailer

After a long detour we have come back to the Californian desert. 

This sandy, dusty place where we have wintered for so many years. 

It feels so good to be back!

But now: I need a long rest in the sunshine! 

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