Monday, April 1, 2024

Day trip to Lake Havasu, AZ

Our stay in Quartzsite is soon coming to an end.
 Today we decided to go to Parker, AZ 
SR- 95 towards Parker, AZ
which has a Walmart, and stock up on groceries for our coming days of travel. 

Part of Parker, AZ

It being Easter Sunday the roads were pretty empty so early in the morning. After our shopping done we decided to go another 30 mi to Lake Havasu, AZ and try to find "our lighthouse".

Lake Havasu in the distance

From Parker we passed Parker Dam, also a very popular retirement settlement. 

part of Parker Dam, AZ
Lots of camping areas, trailer parks and a beautiful golf course are marking the area.
View of a part of Parker Dam, AZ

We visited Lake Havasu in Arizona for the first time in 1997, 
traveling with a company called ""Suntrek Adventure Tours". 

They offered cheap tent camping and on the tour we also visited the Grand Canyon. 

Original London Bridge in Havasu, Arizona

Lake Havasu is know for having the original "London Bridge", build in the 1830s and spanning the Thames in London, England. 

A Robert P. McCulloch bought the bridge and rebuild it in this town to attract tourists and retirement home buyers to his properties there. 

More info here: London Bridge, Arizona

Channel view

Visitors walking around in the English Village, Havasu, AZ
His plan worked out and it has been a popular tourist attraction ever since. Today, it was especially crowded because of the Easter Weekend.

View of the channel

 Lots of visitors were in the "English Village"and on the water. 

All kind of boats were on the channel, even a "floating bar" one can hire by the hour. 
People enjoying a "Floating Bar" on Lake Havasu

We finally found our lighthouse in the "day use area" of the local "Lake Havasu State Park. 
East Quoddy Lighthouse 
(correct name: Head Harbour Lightstation) 

After our picnic we took some photos 

Picnic area of the Lake Havasu State Park

View over the lake
and enjoyed the beautiful weather and scenery. 
partial view of the State Park's campground

Dixie and I visiting a replica of our Lighthouse on Lake Havasu, AZ

The original lighthouse
Head Harbour Lightstation, aka East Quoddy Light
situated on Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Canada

On the way back to our trailer the weather took again a turn to the windy and grey. Tonight another rain storm with snow in the mountains is passing through. 


Translation for my German readers

Unsere Zeit hier in Quarzsite geht zu Ende. 

Deshalb entschieden wir uns heute nach Parker zu fahren und in dem dortigen Walmart unsere Vorräte für die kommenden Reisetage aufzufüllen. Anschließend haben wir dann noch eine Spritztour nach Lake Havasu gemacht. Hier zelteten wir zum ersten Mal in 1997. Es ist auch bekannt durch die echte "London Bridge", die ein kluger Investor aufkaufte und hierher transportierte. Er brachte Urlauber und Rentner dazu seine Grundstücke aufzukaufen und die Gegend zu genießen. Heute war es, wegen Ostern, besonders belebt. Viele Boote waren auf dem Kanal und dem See. Sogar eine schwimmende Bar. Unser Picnic haben wir im örtlichen State Park eingenommen. Dort haben wir dann auch "unseren Leuchtturm" gefunden. Auf der Rückfahrt wurde das Wetter wieder kühl und grau. Heute Nacht soll schon wieder ein Regensturm durchziehen, der im nahen Gebirge auch noch wieder Schnee bringen soll.

Morgen wird alles für die Abreise gepackt.


1 comment:

  1. Always enjoy visiting Lake Havasu, but it seems by your photos we have more to see.
    What is the story behind the duplicate Lighthouse?
    Glad you enjoyed your Easter.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your adventure.

    It's about time.


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