Tuesday, March 15, 2022

So much to see!

Where do I start? One small area of Arizona, so much to see.

Tombstone, Chiricahua National Monument, Whitewater Draw Natural Preserve?

I am too tired to write a lot tonight, just enjoy the photos and explore the links.

Tombstone had developed much over the last 12 years, lots of visitors while we walked through the historical district. Lots of photo options.

The street where all the shoot-outs happened...

 When we drove into town we just about missed the Stage Coach going by


The next morning we decided to drive to the Chiricahua National Monument, a valley with bizarre rock formations and lots of oak-pine-juniper forrest. Rising up to over 6880 feet (2000m above the plains level;  it was impressive.  

Standing Rock formations surrounding the valley

It seemed they could fall any time
Vistas far into the distance
on clear days up to 118 miles (190 km)
The bottom of the plains is about 3800 feet below (2098m) the view point.
Sleeping Chief Chochise's head
Maybe better to see upside:  Indian warrior head with hooked nose.

Old farm from 1887
nearby a small deer was grazing unafraid of people and Dixie.
and at every rest area we saw lots of 
Mexican Jays (Mexikanischer Eichelhäher) waiting for crumbs.


Whitewater Draw Natural Preserve -  a birders spot. We were not there when thousands of Sandhill Cranes could be observed (dusk/ dawn) but nonetheless there were many other species to look at. 

Just to show how it should have looked like this morning....
I had way to little time to see them all. 
Sandhill Cranes ( Kanadische Kranische) flying away.

We did not visit at the right time. 
Hundreds of Sandhill Cranes flying away. 

Far in the distance, just for me, one single Sandhill Crane stayed behind.
A Vermillion Flycatcher
Say's Phoebe

Lots of ducks and sparrows

Vesper Sparrows

American Avoced, American Coot, sleeping Northern Pintails and Cinnamon Teals
Amerikanischer Säbelschnäbler, Amerikanisches Blesshuhn, 
schlafende Spiessenten und Zimtenten



Wo soll man anfangen? Historisches Tombstone, Chiricahua National Monument oder Whitewater Draw Vogelschutzgebiet? Es gab so viel zu sehen. Von den ganzen Eindrücken bin ich nun zu müde um viel zu schreiben. Genieß die Fotos oder Links (auf Deutsch)

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