Saturday, March 30, 2024

Impressions From Our Morning Walk

Along the edges of dry washes where there is more access to moisture than on the dry rocky flats some flowers are still blooming. 

Flowers along a dry wash

The whole area seems more like a park than desert, though the green carpet is slowly fading. 

A green carpet where  is covering the rocky desert floor

Globe Mallow

Palo Verde tree and blooming Brittle Bushes

The growing season for these desert plants is very short. They have to finish their life cycle within a month or so before the summer heat bakes everything to cinders.


Someone build a neat meditation circle on one of the flats. 
In the middle people left some "gifts".

When walking a labyrinth think about 
the three "Rs" of
Releasing, Receiving and Returning/Reflection

A tiny desert lizard warming itself on a rock

There are not so many birds to find a in previous years. Most of the times it is very quiet among the shrubs. Once in a while one can hear some chipping or even a song. 

Most likely a "Brewer's Sparrow"

Northern Mockingbird

Our friends have all but left and very soon we will be on our way home as well. 
Our friends, all packed up and ready to go ...

We have just to wait out another storm that brings rain/snow to the higher elevations
 and high winds to the open desert.

Opuntia, cactus flowers in a garden in Quartzsite


Translation for my German readers

Entlang der ausgetrockneten Wasserläufe blühen immer noch einige Blumen. Die Wüste gleicht im Frühling eher einer Parklandschaft, doch das Grün verblasst schon langsam. Die Pflanzen haben hier nur eine sehr kurze Zeit bevor die Hitze des Sommers ihnen den Garaus macht. In diesem Jahr sind auffallend wenig Vögel zu sehen. Meistens ist es sehr still, nur ab und zu hört man ein Gezwitscher. Alle unsere Freunde sind nun auch wieder abgefahren und in ein paar Tagen werden wir uns auch auf den Heimweg machen. Wir warten nur noch darauf das ein weiterer Wintersturm weiterzieht, der Regen und Schnee in die höheren Lagen bringt. Hier auf der offenen Fläche gibt es nur sehr starke Windböen. Da möchte man nicht auf der Straße sein, denn die können einen Campinganhänger leicht umwerfen.

Monday, March 25, 2024

As Days Are Going By

The time are going by fast. April will be here before we know it.
 One of the days we took a tour into town 
to visit the old Quartzsite Mine, only
to find out that the place had been closed to the public since 2011.
People had constantly crossed "no trespassing" signs and went into unstable 
mine shafts and dilapidated mine buildings in search of gold. 
Now everything is securely capped up.
I got only a few photos through my tele-lens

An awkward overview over town because I have not
invested in a photoshop program.

So, we return to town and walked around a little while.

Part of the event area

Most of the booth are close already. Only a few were still open.
Everything for your RV can be bought here

Rocks and flea market items

Gems and rocks one can find in the mountains around Quartzsite

Part of the flea market

Scrap metal sculptures

Finally we went back to the friendly older gentlemen who sells his 
Desert Wildflower Honey 
some place along West Main Event Way
The Wildflower Honey Man"
We had bought his homey already last year and it was very good stuff!

Another day we drove out to Cibola Nature Preserve and Oxbow Camping
to visit their super friendly hosts Attila and Tee.
Oxbow Camping Area
We had stayed there last March for a couple of days and had loved it.

Unfortunately they were off duty that day but we had a good chat we another
friend from Holtville who was staying there for a two weeks period.

Crossing the Colorado River near Blythe, CA

Upon return we were treated with a big slice of Pizza which one
of our neighbours had brought as a "thank-you" for helping him
finding and fixing his brake problem that had occurred on his trailer.
Pizza Party for all "Holtville expats"
Theresa, Bea, Peter, Gerald, Yves and Louise

But the party did not last long. Soon dark clouds were rolling in
and we had to run for shelter
 as rain and strong
wind gusts rocked our trailer for about 2 hours.


Translation for my German Readers

Vor ein paar Tagen wollten wir uns die alte Goldmine ansehen doch fanden schnell
heraus daß sie seit 2011 geschlossen ist. Die Besucher durchbrachen Sperrzäune 
und stiegen in die verlassenen Minentunnel um nach Gold zu suchen.
Jetzt sind alle Zugänge für immer verschloßen und abgesichert.
So fuhren wir zurück in die Stadt und bummelt ein bißchen herum.
Die meisten Buden sind schon für den Sommer geschlossen, nur ein paar
sind noch geöffnet. Wir besuchten den freundlichen alten Mann der
Honig von seinen eigenen Bienen verkauft. Der
Wüstenwildblumenhonig schmeckte uns so gut daß wir uns auch
in diesem Jahr wieder ein Glas davon gekauft haben.
An einem anderen Tag fuhren wir hinaus nach Oxbow Camping.
Dort haben wir im vorigen März einige Tage verbracht.
Der Platzwart und seine Frau waren sehr nette Leute
die wir gerne besucht hätten, aber sie waren and dem Tag
leider nicht anwesend.
Am Nachmittag hatte einer unserer Freunde eine Riesen Pizza gekauft
und uns alle zum Essen eingeladen. 
Doch bald mußten wir uns schnell in Sicherheit bringen.
Eine Kaltfront brachte Regen und starke Windböen, die
unseren Camper zwei Stunden lang durchschüttelten.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Thunderstorms, Cold air and Sunshine

 This year is pretty different from our last years stay at Quartzsite. 

So far, we had never experienced cold or rain in this area. 
JP taking a photo of a dead Saguaro Cactus

Not so this time. Grey days arrived and several layers of clothes was asked for.

Showers are moving in

We got a torrential rainfall 

with the occasional thunder and then much colder air moved in. 

Water droplets splashing on the ground

Mid-day temperatures crashed from balmy 75F (25C) down to 57F (14C). 

Water accumulation on the desert floor

Puddles were everywhere.
A bit of a rainbow over the mountains at sunset

This morning the desert was a sea of water droplets.

Millions of droplets on everything

Saguaro Cacti
Balancing cactus act

Those thorns not for the faint of heart

Yellow-rumped Warbler, after the downpour


Translation for my German readers

Dieses Mal war das Wetter doch ganz anders als in the vorherigen Jahren. 
Es gab ein paar graue Tage mit heftigen Regenschauer, 
kurze Gewitter und nachfolgend die Kälte. 
Die Temperaturen sanken von 25Grad auf nur 14Grad. 
Überall sammelte sich das Wasser auf dem harten Wüstenboden. 
Am nächsten Morgen waren die Wüstenpflanzen noch 
mit Millionen von Wassertropfen bedeckt. 
Doch die Sonne schien wieder und es wird auch langsam wieder wärmer. 
Ein Gelbbüschelrohrsänger sieht noch ziemlich naß aus.

Friday, March 15, 2024

Flowers all around us

The first morning was used to walk around in the washes behind our spot and see  

what could be found. There were lots of flowers on this very rocky ground!

I hope I got all the names right. ;) 



The rainfalls during late fall and winter made it possible
Brittle Bush (Encelia farinosa)

Hairy Sunflower, (Geraea canescens)

Purplemat, (Nama demissum)

Desert Lavender, (Hyptis emory)

Desert Wishbone, (Mirabilis laevis)

Desert Lupine (Lupinus sparsiflorus)

Notched-leaved Phacelia

Daisy Desert Star, (Monoptilon bellidiforme)

Fairy Duster, Chicoree, notched-leaved Phacelia, wild Mustard

Globe Mallow (Sphaeralcea ambigua)

Desert flowers